Thursday, November 4, 2010

My Soul Mate!

I have found my soulmate. Or at least what my professor might consider my ‘social bookmarking soul mate’ to be exact. I have no idea about their identity other than that their delicious account name is beepbeepcar, which I like a great deal. We seem to have enough interests in common as I had a wonderful time going through sites he or she tagged. There are tons of sites under labels like London, UK, music, drinking, books, travel, recipes, events, food- even foodblog is a separate tag. Most of the sites they have saved have not been labeled or described with anything more than the tags. However the tags are used well to organize saved items. Even if that means having 6 tags because all apply. For a website that is home to dance and theatre events in London the tags are London, arts, dance, whatson (I like that tag), events and theatre. Makes good sense to me. He or she has over 900 tags and seems to tag quite often. They mark sites at least every few days it would seem and sometimes will mark 5+ at a time.

Though I have found a number of new sites, and in particular blogs, that I am glad to have discovered I will point out just two that would likely be of interest to you, my own blog readers (assuming you are out there).

In the spirit of some of my recent posts regarding breakfast, and because I have been craving beans on toast as of late, this next site is going to be devoured as soon as my work is done. Introducing The London Review of Breakfasts. Seriously? Could there be a more perfect site for me to torture myself with? The answer is no, probably not. Combine my love of London and food and it is hard to get any better. I can’t believe I am just now finding this blog. Entries are reviews of breakfast restaurants about the food to the décor to the service. There is an editor who contributes often but also other writers who add their opinions and humor. I am a particular fan of the fact that you can browse entries by their reviewer and neighborhood. I can’t wait to get back to London to go try out all these places!

The other website find that I have to thank beepbeepcar for is the blog, Tired of London, Tired of Life. It’s a really great site that has daily entries on fun things to do in London. As the title might suggest there are ideas that the average person might not think of when they are bored or feeling tired of life. Tom, the creator, might suggest a kitschy pub that should be visited some afternoon, a new exhibit in a museum or a nautical supplies store. No matter, it is probably somewhere the jaded Londoner, or even tourist, has probably never been before. And somewhere that is worth checking out. I’ll also keep an eye on this for when I return.

Thanks beepbeepcar!

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